Lost Planet Studios has officially began production on a brand new audio story for "The Detective". Set as a sequel to last years "Secrets and Lies", This audio will continue to follow the story of Leo Jackson and his ongoing troubles with Dark Angel. As he does whatever he can in order to get his abducted sister Tilly Jackson back! and also with this audio story set in between "The Aftermath" and "Who Is Leo Jackson?", both episodes from Series 3 of the visual series, This story explores the aftermath to the very recent death of Detective James mother Mrs Lyons, and how her death will effect on him emotionally in the lead up to her funeral.
Lewis Wheelhouse, the writer of the audio story says "After last years Audio Story 'Secrets and Lies', I'm really exited to be back writing and producing another one!! The idea for this one has been knocking around in my head for a while now, As I really wanted to fill in the gaps on exactly how James reacted to Mrs Lyons death, and also tell Leo's story previous to the events of 'Who is Leo Jackson?'. And to be honest, I couldn't think of a better way of telling this story than through an audio production on Lost Planet Studios!! As it's the best way of telling such a story that we can take so much further than our much lower budget on the visual series will ever take us!!".
He also added; "With this being set just after 'The Aftermath', expect some very emotional scenes from Detective James, as he struggles to come to terms over the sudden death of his mother! This'll send him on a very emotional journey all throughout this audio, Plus it gives us a chance to continue Detective James struggles with his mental health, as his mothers untimely death will make us see another side of James that we've never seen before!! Especially later on, As he goes on a murderous rampage for John Burke in order to seek his revenge .... Let's just say that things get very dark VERY QUICKLY!!". Writing on the audio story is well underway, and production is set to begin within the next upcoming months, Cast are to be confirmed nearer the time of release.
The Detective 2019 Audio Story is to be told as a 3 part story, and is coming later this year to Lost Planet Studios.
Listen to last years set of audio stories right here;
Article Written By: Lewis Wheelhouse (Creator of Lost Planet Studios/The Detective)